Teaching English as a Foreign Language

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Annkristin Schwalb

Annkristin Schwalb



Department für Anglistik und Amerikanistik
Schellingstraße 3 (RG)
80799 München

Room: 425 VG
Phone: +49 (0) 89 2180-5753

Office hours:
siehe LSF (bei Fehlermeldung bitte in LSF einloggen)

Further Information

Curriculum Vitae

Annkristin Schwalb studied English and Primary School Didactics at the Julius-Maximilians-Universität in Würzburg and the Swansea University in Wales. In 2014 she obtained her first state examination and went on to do her teacher training in Munich.

After completing her teacher training (Referendariat für das Lehramt an Grundschulen) in Munich in 2016, she took her second state examination (LA GS) and continued to work as a primary school teacher in Munich for several years.
During her time at school she taught at primary schools with a focus on the “ips Ganztageskonzept” of the city of Munich and participated in the “Schulversuch bilingual Grundschule – Lernen in zwei Sprachen” at the elementary school in Poing. She contributed to the FIBS program with workshops for elementary and secondary teachers. She greatly enjoyed working as an internship teacher for the LMU.

Annkristin is currently on a full-time secondment from primary school teaching and is working as a lecturer at the Chair of TEFL at the LMU.

In her doctoral thesis, she is exploring the question of how to apply Digital Citizenship Education as defined by the Council of Europe to the primary EFL classroom in order to initiate a critical view on digital media within young learners.

Annkristin Schwalb is a member of the Graduate School of Language and Literature Munich (Class of Language Education) and an active member of the DGFF (Deutsche Gesellschaft für Fremdsprachenforschung). She participated in the European Educational Research Association's Summer School (“Research design from scratch: Making sense of the whats, whos and hows of your investigation”) in Porto, Portugal in 2022 as well as in a research stay at UC Berkeley, California in 2023.

Areas of interest

  • Digital Citizenship Education
  • Multimodal Literature
  • Social Media


  • Schwalb, Annkristin. 2024. (forthcoming) „Das digital citizenship education Konzept für den Englischunterricht der Grundschule. Eine kollaborative Aktionsforschung zu den Chancen und Herausforderungen der sozialen Medien.“
  • Metz, Anabel; Schwalb, Annkristin. 2024. „Förderung von Leseverstehen durch Aufbau von Text- und Medienkompetenz: Integriertes Lesen und Schreiben mit multimodalen Texten“. In: Dörfler, Roland; Kofler, Gabriele; Firmkas, Martin. Lehren und Lernen in der bayerischen Mittelschule 7-10. Kommentare und Unterrichtshilfen zum LehrplanPLUS Mittelschule - Jahrgangsstufen 7 bis 10. Hürth: Carl Link Verlag.
  • Mustroph, Dr. Claudia; Stannard, Michelle; Schwalb, Annkristin. (forthcoming). "Theorie und Praxis waren optimal verknüpft. - Professionalisierung von Lehramtsstudierenden in der UNI-Klasse Moderne Fremdsprachen". In: QLB-Magazin Lehrerbildung@LMU.

Presentations and Workshops

  • "Multimodale literature for TEFL in elementary schools. Teaching sequences for the graphic novel Smile by Raina Telgemeier" presentation at the annual meeting of the Fachberatungen Englisch for elementary schools in Upper Bavaria, 25.06.2024.
  • "On digital citizenship education in EFL in elementary school: Opportunities and challenges of social media" presentation at the 4th TEFL Lecture Series at the Otto-Friedrich-University in Bamberg, 18.12.2023.
  • "The Digital Citizenship Education Concept for Teaching English in Elementary Schools: Opportunities and Challenges of Social Media" presentation for the Working Group "Found in Translation" at UC Berkeley, Berkeley, California, 18.09.2023.
  • "Digital Citizenship Education for Young Learners: Opportunities and Challenges of Social Media in the EFL Classroom" presentation at the Research Fellowship Meeting of the Berkeley Language Center at UC Berkeley, Berkeley, California, 13.09.2023
  • "Zwischen hashtag und hate speech. Kritisch-reflexive Medienkompetenz für den Englischunterricht“ workshop at the MZL conference „Digital Together“ with Claudia Mustroph, 01.07.2022.
  • "Englisch in der Grundschule. Sprachhandlungskompetenz anbahnen“ presentation in the combined teacher training seminar of Sabine Hagenauer (Seminarlehrerin), Asam Gymnasium, 28.06.2022
  • "You Posted What? Digital Citizenship Education for Young Learners" presentation at "Taking Action! Conference on Social Justice in Language Classrooms and Teacher Education" Technische Universität Dortmund, 19.02.2022.
  • "Wie kann das Digital Citizenship Education Konzept im Englischunterricht der Grundschulen dazu beitragen, die digital literacy der Kinder zu erweitern?" Poster presentation at "5. Konferenz der Fortschritte im frühen Fremdsprachenlernen. Fremdsprachenunterricht in der Grundschule und im Vorschulbereich: Aktuelle Forschungsergebnisse, Bedürfnisse, Erfahrungen aus der Praxis und zukünftige Entwicklungen", Universität Leipzig & katholische Universität Eichstätt-Ingolstadt, 11.12.2021.


UNI-Klasse projects

  • Summer term 2024 UNI-Klasse: Joint project with vice principal Anabel Metz (St.-Georg-Mittelschule Bad Aibling) and Seminarrektorin Nicola Bartl (St.-Georg-Grundschule Bad Aibling) regarding enhancing communicative skills of learners
  • Summer term 2024 UNI-Klasse: Joint project with teacher Lisa Weber (FOS Germering) regarding the integration of the graphic novel “Persepolis” by Marjane Satrapi in 11th grade TEFL
  • Winter term 2023 / 2024 UNI-Klasse: Joint project with Anabel Metz (St.-Georg-Mittelschule Bad Aibling) and teacher Nadja Heller (Grundschule Waldmeisterstraße) regarding enhancing communicative skills of learners
  • Summer term 2023 UNI-Klasse: Joint project of the Project Seminar and Katrin Ledig (FOS) regarding working with Graphic Novels in the EFL Classroom
  • Winter term 22/23 UNI-Klasse: Cooperation with Seminarrektorinnen Evi Braun and Julia Benker (GS) and Julia Bachmeier (GS) regarding enhancing communicative skills with Apps in the EFL classroom
  • Winter term 22/23 TEFL Talk: Sabine Binder from the official Instagram account ("lehramt.mittelschule") of the government of Upper Bavaria for Mittelschule
  • Summer term 2022: Cooperation with Lisa Weber (FOS) regarding how to integrate comics into the EFL classroom
  • Winter term 21/22 UNI-Klasse: Cooperation with Anabel Metz (MS), Stefanie Gleixner-Weyrauch (GS) & Julia Bachmeier (GS) regarding working productively with the comic "Smile" by Raina Telgemeier in the EFL classroom
  • Winter term 20/21 UNI-Klasse: Cooperation with the Seminarrektorinnen Dr. Helga Rolletschek and Julia Benker regarding digital games in the primary EFL education
  • Summer term 2021 UNI-Klasse: Cooperation with Sabine Hagenauer and the project seminar regarding multimodal literature in the EFL classroom


  • Theorie und Praxis der Unterrichtsgestaltung für Englisch mit/ohne Praktikum (GS, MS)
  • Theorie und Praxis der Unterrichtsgestaltung für Englisch mit/ohne Praktikum (RS, Gym)
  • Grundlagen der Fremdsprachendidaktik
  • Wissenschaftliche Übung: Enhancing Communicative Skills in Primary English
  • Wissenschaftliche Übung: Digital Citizenship Education for Young Learners
  • Project seminar: Multimodal literature
  • Lernwerkstatt: Graphic Novels in the EFL classroom