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Further Information
Curriculum vitae
Petra Rauschert studied English and German at the University of Munich (LMU). Several longer stays abroad as student at the Istituto Universitario Orientale in Naples/Italy, as assistant teacher in Brainerd/USA and as chairwoman of a school project in Telangana/India supported her interest and research in the field of intercultural learning.
She completed her teacher training from 2005 to 2007 and finished with the second state examination (Gymnasium). In the following years she worked as a secondary school teacher in Gauting. She was appointed to a post at the Department of TEFL in 2012 where she holds a permanent position.
With a research focus on Intercultural Education she gained her PhD on “Intercultural Service Learning”, an approach that combines formal learning and community service. She founded the International Service Learning Network "Weitblick – Students in Action e.V.", which provides a platform for teachers and students of all educational institutions (ranging from elementary school to university) to collaboratively conduct Service Learning projects. She received several awards for her projects and research (e.g. Deutscher Lehrerpreis, 2006; Bundeswettbewerb für Fremdsprachen, 2006; Wettbewerb des Bundespräsidenten – Eine Welt für alle, 2010 and 2016; Franz Emanuel Weinert Dissertationspreis, 2014).
Areas of interest
Service Learning
Intercultural learning
Citizenship Education
Media in the EFL Classroom
- Rauschert, P. (2014) Intercultural Service Learning im Englischunterricht. Ein Modell zur Förderung interkultureller Kompetenz auf der Basis journalistischen Schreibens. Münster: Waxmann.
Books and Journals Edited
- Lütge, C., Merse, T., Rauschert, P. (2022) (eds.). Global Citizenship in Foreign Language Education: Concepts, Practices, Connections. Routledge.
- Byram, M.; Rauschert, P. (2022) (eds.). Language Teaching, Education for Democracy and Cross-curricular Connections. Special issue of Iranian Journal of Language Teaching Research. Vol. 10 (3).
- Ruisz, D., Rauschert, P., Thaler, E. (2019) (eds.). Living Language Teaching. Lehrwerke und Unterrichtsmaterialien im Fremdsprachenunterricht. Tübingen: Narr.
Book Chapters
- Rauschert, P. (2022). "Intercultural Service Learning Reframed: A Comprehensive Model and Its Practical Implementation in the Foreign Language Classroom". In: Lütge, C., Merse, T., Rauschert, P. (eds.). Global Citizenship in Foreign Language Education: Concepts, Practices, Connections. Routledge, 109-127.
- Lütge, C., Merse, T., Rauschert, P. "Introduction". In Lütge, C., Merse, T., Rauschert, P. (eds.). Global Citizenship in Foreign Language Education: Concepts, Practices, Connections. Routledge, 1-11.
- Lütge, C., Merse, T., Rauschert, P. "Concluding Remarks". In Lütge, C., Merse, T., Rauschert, P. (eds.). Global Citizenship in Foreign Language Education: Concepts, Practices, Connections. Routledge, 288-291.
- Rauschert P., Mustroph, C. (2022). "Intercultural Education through Civic Engagement: Service Learning in the Foreign Language Classroom". In: McConachy, T.; Golubeva, I., Wagner, M. (eds.). Intercultural Learning in Language Education and Beyond: Evolving Concepts, Perspectives and Practices. Multilingual Matters, 149-167.
- Rauschert, P. (2019). "Storytelling und Story Projects in der Sekundarstufe I." In: Ruisz, D., Rauschert, P., Thaler, E. (eds.). Living Language Teaching. Lehrwerke und Unterrichtsmaterialien im Fremdsprachenunterricht. Tübingen: Narr, 33-46.
- Ruisz, D., Rauschert, P., Thaler, E. (2019). "Vorwort". In: Ruisz, D., Rauschert, P., Thaler, E. (eds.). Living Language Teaching. Lehrwerke und Unterrichtsmaterialien im Fremdsprachenunterricht. Tübingen: Narr, 7-9.
- Lütge, C.; Rauschert, P. (2018). "Analysebögen: Englisch". In: Schlegel, Clemens M. Schulpraktika begleiten. Praxiserprobte Arbeitshilfen für Mentorinnen und Mentoren. Stuttgart: Raabe, M39-M47.
- Rauschert, P. (2016) "Intercultural Service Learning: Bürgerbildung und interkulturelles Lernen im Fremdsprachenunterricht". In: Klippel, F. (Hrsg.). Teaching languages – Sprachen lehren. Münster: Waxmann, 249-261.
Journal Articles
- Rauschert, P., Cardetti, F. (2022). "Fostering Democratic Competences in Learners: An Interdisciplinary International Experience". In: Language Teaching, Education for Democracy and Cross-curricular Connections. Special issue of Iranian Journal of Language Teaching Research. Vol. 10 (3), 29-41.
- Byram, M., Rauschert, P. (2022). "Introduction". In: Language Teaching, Education for Democracy and Cross-curricular Connections. Special issue of Iranian Journal of Language Teaching Research. Vol. 10 (3), 1-7.
- Rauschert, P., Owczarek, C. (2019). "Konflikte friedlich lösen lernen. Zur Förderung demokratischer Kompetenzen im Fremdsprachenunterricht". In: Praxis Fremdsprachenunterricht 3/2019, 5-8.
- Stannard, M., Rauschert, P. (2018). "Mobiles Lernen im Fremdsprachenunterricht. Einsatzmöglichkeiten von Tablets und Smartphones". In: Praxis Fremdsprachenunterricht 4/2018, 13-15.
- Rauschert, P., Byram, M. (2017). "Service Learning and Intercultural Citizenship in Foreign Language Education". In: Cambridge Journal of Education. Volume 48 (3). DOI: 10.1080/0305764X.2017.1337722. Print version: (2018), 353-369.
Teaching Material
- (2011) My Brillant Career (DVD). München: Das Medieninstitut der Länder (FWU).
- (2010) Teen Life in Britain (DVD). München: Das Medieninstitut der Länder (FWU).
- (2010) School Life. Medien für die Schülerhand (DVDs). Das Medieninstitut der Länder (FWU)
- "Language Learning, Citizenship and Interculturality", European Researcher Development and Engagement for Interculturality and Equity (EUREDIE), Virtual Multiplier Event, keynote speech, 16.03.2023
- "Europäisches und internationales Service Learning erfolgreich implementieren – Impulse aus Theorie und Praxis", workshop series Service Learning für ein demokratisches Europa, Stiftung Lernen durch Engagement, 11.01.2023
- "Intercultural and Democratic Education in the Foreign Language Classroom: Recent Innovations”, guest lecture (online) at T.H. Shevchenko National University, Chernihiv/Ukraine, 15.11.2022
- "Intercultural Citizenship in Teacher Education: Narratives of Injustice and a Quilt of Hope", online presentation together with Melina Porto and Manuela Wagner, University of Durham, webinar, 21.04.2022
- "Lernen durch Engagement: Gesellschaftliche Partizipation und interkulturelle Bildung im Fremdsprachenunterricht", webinar, lecture series L’educazione alla cittadinanza interculturale e plurilingue, LEND – lingua e nuova didattica, 07.10.2021
- "Fostering Democratic Competences in Learners: A Cross Curricular, Multimodal Storybook Approach", online presentation together with Prof. Fabiana Cardetti, Angela Mastropietro (University of Connecticut) and Maxmilian Hauer (LMU), University of Durham, 20.04.2021
- "Developing 21st century competences in the EFL classroom: Intercultural Service Learning as high-impact pedagogy", webinar, Universität Graz, 25.03.2021
- "Service Learning in the Foreign Language Classroom. Peace Education hands-on", workshop together with Claudia Owczarek, TEFL Day 2019: Global Education in the EFL classroom, LMU Munich, 26.03.2019
- "Internationalism, Service Learning and Citizenship in Language Teaching. Concepts and Implementations", Intercultural Education: Innovative Approaches and Practices in Higher Education, keynote lecture together with Michael Byram, Le Mans/France, 22.11.2018
- "Produktionsorientiertes Lernen mit digitalen Medien“, Jahrestagung Digitale Bildung zwischen Hype und Hybris, Münchner Zentrum für Lehrerbildung, 10.10.2018
- "Praxisperspektiven demokratiepädagogischer Ansätze im Fremdsprachenunterricht", Praxistag, LMU München, 04.04.2018
- "Projektpartner Indien – Möglichkeiten erfolgreicher Schulkooperationen", Elchingen, 28 November 2015; Dischingen, 24.02.2018
- "Recent Approaches in Intercultural Education: Intercultural Service Learning and Intercultural Citizenship Education", Public Lecture Series, Department of Intercultural Communication, LMU München, 04.01.2017
- "Education for Democratic Culture in the Foreign Language Classroom: Intercultural Citizenship Education and Service Learning", keynote lecture together with Michael Byram, Intercultural Horizons 2017, Rijeka/Croatia, 19.05.2017
- "Storytelling und Story Projects im Englischunterricht", Tag der Englischdidaktik, Realschule Gauting, 21.03.2017
- "Storytelling zwischen Tradition und Moderne. Ansätze für die Sekundarstufe 1", Kontaktstudientag, workshop, LMU München, 20.07.2016
- "Intercultural Service Learning", Venice International University, 02.10.2012
- "Training Intercultural Communicative Competence in the English Language Classroom", IATEFL Annual Conference & Exhibition Cardiff, Symposium: Action Research in Language Teacher Education, 04.04.2009