Teaching English as a Foreign Language

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The TEFL Lab is an exciting and innovative new venue for exploring practical and theoretical issues of Teaching English as a Foreign Language (TEFL). It hosts a wide range of teaching resources, including current coursebooks and accompanying materials, teacher manuals, method guides, and teaching aids. The inventory of the TEFL Lab also includes an extensive collection of graded and annotated readers, literature that is suggested for the EFL classroom, and also a carefully selected stock of picture books and children's literature. The TEFL Lab is also equipped with modern classroom technology and digital media, for example an interactive whiteboard, a classroom set of iPads, educational software, and films.

Up-to-date information can be found in the News section of this website.  


Downloads & Links:TeflLab-Logo_rgb

TEFL Lab Programme for the winter term 2024/25

TEFL Lab Programme for the summer term 2024

TEFL Lab Programme for the winter term 2023/24

TEFL Lab Programme for the summer term 2023

TEFL Lab Programme for the winter term 2022/23

TEFL Lab Programme for the summer term 2022

TEFL Lab Programme for the winter term 2021/22

TEFL Lab Programme for the summer term 2021

TEFL Lab Programme for the winter term 2020/21

TEFL Lab Programme for the winter term 2019/20

TEFL Lab Programme for the summer term 2019

TEFL Lab Programme for the winter term 2018/19

TEFL Lab Programme for the summer term 2018

Complete inventory of the TEFL Lab (as of November 2023)

User regulations and guidelines for the TEFL Lab

: TEFL Lab LMU -


You do not know yet what the TEFL Lab is? Please have a look at our PREZI for a quick introduction.

What is the tefl lab

Raum 105 VG
Schellingstraße 3 (LMU München, Englische Philologie)
Email: tefl-lab@anglistik.uni-muenchen.de

Opening hours:
The TEFL Lab will be offering Opening Hours and Media Tutorials in winter semester 2024/25. For detailed dates and times, please refer to the TEFL Lab Opening Hours and Media Tutorials sections on this webpage.



The TEFL Team welcomes you to the TEFL Lab


Given its rich and wide-ranging inventory, the TEFL Lab is designed to be a study and research centre for students, pre- and in-service teachers, teacher trainers, university staff and TEFL researchers. Its aim is to offer a place for collaboration on TEFL issues, both practical and theoretical, and for exchanging teaching and research ideas. Key components of its programme include:

  • regular workshops (e.g. on using modern technology in the EFL classroom),
  • opening hours several times a week (e.g. to research TEFL materials or to prepare lessons),
  • the TEFL Lounge, an open forum for exploring key issues of teaching English,
  • special events that link the various phases of teacher education and training.