TEFL Lounges & UNI-Klasse Talks: WiSe 2022-23
Program now available
We are pleased to announce the following TEFL Lounges & UNI-Klasse Events for winter semester 2022/23:
03.11.2022, 10-12 Uhr c.t.
Jeanine Steinbock (Julius-Maximilians-Universität Würzburg)
„Virtual Reality in the Modern English Classroom and the Potential for Intercultural and Transcultural Learning“
Zoom link: https://lmu-munich.zoom.us/j/94522609231?pwd=WlBuRTRMRFVDcDZPWFcxd2hTbWZhUT09
Meeting ID: 945 2260 9231 Passcode: 986222
14.11.2022, 10-12 Uhr c.t.
Team vom Instagramaccount lehramt.mittelschule
„Das Referendariat“
Raum RG 026, Ludwigstraße 28 (RG)
23.11.2022, 10-12 Uhr c.t.
Dr. Marta Giralt (University of Limerick)
„Virtual Exchange in the Language Class: the How and Why for Teachers and Learners“
TEFL Lab, Raum 105 VG, Schellingstraße 3 (VG)
The aim of this talk is to show some examples of how Virtual Exchange has been integrated and implemented in language classes and present evidence on the different learning gains for language learners and teachers. A reflection about the benefits and challenges in the implementation of this innovative methodology will be carry out, followed but a more practical part of the session when the participants will explore possible ways of integrating Virtual Exchange in their teaching practices from the pedagogical and practical point of view.
16.01.2023, 10-12 Uhr c.t.
Maria Berg (Stiftung Medienpädagogik Bayern)
"Medienkompetenzvermittlung durch die Stiftung Medienpädagogik Bayern"
Raum: TEFL Lab, Raum 105 VG, Schellingstraße 3 (VG)