Teaching English as a Foreign Language

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TEFL Lounges & UNI-Klasse Talks: WiSe 2023-24

Program now available


We are pleased to announce the following TEFL Lounges & UNI-Klasse Events for winter semester 2023/24:

15.11.2023, Wednesday, 14-16
Benjamin Past (Cornelsen)
„Die ChatClass App von Cornelsen - Arbeit im digitalen Sprachlabor“
LMU, Schellingstr. 3, TEFL Lab (Room 105 VG)

15.01.2024, Monday, 16-18 (via Zoom)
Dr. Kimberly Vinall & Emily Hellmich (University of California, Berkeley)
„Machine Translation and Language Learning“
Zoom link: https://lmu-munich.zoom-x.de/j/68038445347?pwd=aEI2ejdhM0hJRURoR2FMZDJuR1BIdz09

Meeting ID: 680 3844 5347   Passcode: 678042

17.01.2024, Wednesday, 10-12 (via Zoom)
Michelle Zirkel (Uni Bamberg)
„Exploring the Potential of VR for English Language Education“

Meeting ID: 625 0826 9849   Passcode: 593948