Young Researchers' Network
The conference “Media Literacy in Foreign Language Education” provides a suitable context for founding an international Young Researchers Network that explores the intersection of foreign language teaching/learning, media literacy, and media use in the classroom. We would like to invite all conference participants who are pursuing media-oriented research projects to the inaugural meeting of the Young Researchers Network. At this meeting, we would like to explore
- the possibilities and potentials of forming a network that connects young researchers (pre/postdoc) under the aegis of a shared thematic interest in media and foreign language education,
- in what particular ways such a network can provide a support structure for young researchers and their projects in beginning, intermediate or final stages,
- how this network can enhance international cooperation and exchange among young and more established researchers,
- how the network can be used as a platform to present and discuss research projects (e.g. at symposia or during international online meetings),
- in what ways this young researchers network can serve to invite and combine inter- and cross-disciplinary research perspectives.
The thematic focal points of the Young Researchers Network are in sync with the general scope of the conference. We invite pre- and postdoc researchers, both national and international, who work on theoretical, conceptual, methodological and empirical sub-themes regarding media literacy and media use in EFL and foreign language education, including, but not limited to:
- (Multi)Literacies across modes, texts, media and platforms
- Mobile learning (MALL), E-learning and CALL
- Classroom technology and materials: e.g. mobile apps, interactive whiteboards, educational software
- The changing nature of text and ‘reading’ in the digital age: multimodality, hypertext, interactivity
- In-roads to literature and culture through digital media
- Innovations in multimedia: e.g. film, graphic novels, picture books and games
- Global education, transcultural learning, and sociocultural diversity through media
- Learner autonomy, differentiation and inclusion with digital media
- Digital media for learners of different age groups
- Language acquisition and language competencies in (multi)media settings
- Implications for teacher education, educational policies and curricula
- Digital epistemologies and critical approaches to media use in EFL.
The inaugural meeting will take place:
Date: 14th March 2017
Time: 14:30 – 15:45
Place: Senatssaal, LMU Hauptgebäude
For further questions or queries regarding the young researchers' network, please contact Thorsten Merse:
The Young Researchers' Network is supported by the LMU Graduate School Language and Literature Munich.