Teaching English as a Foreign Language

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Munich Lectures in TEFL

The annual Munich Lecture in TEFL is an initiative by the Chair of TEFL (Prof. Dr. Christiane Lütge). Internationally renowned researchers are invited to present current research results on key issues of teaching and learning English. The Munich Lecture in TEFL offers valuable impulses for students, teachers, university staff and for the interested public.

Previous Lectures:

Nicky Hockly

Munich Lecture in TEFL 2020

Link to Nicky Hockly's Munich Lecture in TEFL (Video Online: Unterrichtsmitschau LMU)

20.01 Plakat Munich Lecture 2020Digital Literacies
Digital literacies, the technical skills and social practices needed to effectively interact with digital technologies, are key21st century skills. They are increasingly important in educational curricula, across all subject areas, the world over. What exactly are digital literacies, and how can we develop students’ digital literacies in the EFL classroom? This talk looks at some of the theory underpinning digital literacies, and also outlines practical classroom activities for students.

Biography: Nicky Hockly is the Director of Pedagogy of The Consultants-E (www.theconsultants-e.com). She is an international plenary speaker, and regularly trains teachers all over the world. Nicky has written several prize-winning methodology books about new technologies in language teaching. Her most recent books are Focus on Learning Technologies (2016) and ETPedia Technology (2017).

Prof. Fiona Copland

Munich Lecture in TEFL 2019


munichlecture coplandTeaching English to Young Learners: Six Challenges in Search of Solutions
English is being introduced globally to children at increasingly lower ages in state and private schools. Recent research has identified a number of key challenges that teachers face in the young learner classroom as a result of these new policy directives (Copland et al. 2014). This presentation will introduce 6 of these challenges and, drawing on chapters from The Routledge Handbook of Teaching English to Young Learners (Garton and Copland, 2018), it will suggest some tentative solutions.
Biography: Prof. Fiona Copland comes from the University of Stirling in Scotland, where she works as a Professor of TESOL in the Faculty of Social Sciences. Her research and teaching expertise lies mainly in the areas of pre-service teacher education, teacher feedback, linguistic ethnography and teaching English to younger learners. Fiona Copland's most recent publication is The Routledge Handbook of Teaching English to Young Learners, published together with Sue Garton in 2018.

Prof. Mark Pegrum

Munich Lecture in TEFL 2017

Link to Mark Pegrum's Munich Lecture in TEFL (Video Online: Unterrichtsmitschau LMU)

Plakat Munich Lecture 5 December 2017.

Learning Languages and Literacies through Mobile Lenses

The field of MALL, or Mobile-Assisted Language Learning, has developed based on the premise that mobile devices offer the potential to enhance language learning and literacy learning, as well as cultural exploration. But this potential can be realised in different ways and to different degrees: simply using mobile devices, in and of itself, is not sufficient. This presentation will examine a number of successful mobile language and literacy learning projects, seeking to determine the key factors that underpin their success.

It will be shown that with the emergence of a new generation of mobile context-aware technologies, we can build on the personalised and collaborative learning facilitated by web 2.0 and social media, but we can go much further. There are greater opportunities than ever before to foreground authentic learning in everyday contexts, while simultaneously heightening student engagement through gamified approaches. To capitalise on this potential, it is essential for educators to develop appropriate mobile learning designs.

Drawing on Pegrum's (2014) 3-Level Mobile Learning Framework, Burden & Kearney's (2017) Mobile Pedagogical Framework, and Clandfield & Hadfield's (2017) Weak & Strong Interaction Model, this presentation suggests that the optimal mobile learning designs should involve activities where the devices, the learners, and the learning experiences are all mobile; where the three dimensions of personalisation, collaboration, and authenticity are foregrounded; and where both weak and strong interaction are present.

The presentation goes on to illustrate the potential of mobile augmented reality (AR) language and literacy learning projects – in the form of games or gamified learning trails – most of which also incorporate elements of cultural exploration. After mentioning well-known North American and European examples, the presentation focuses on recent developments in gamified learning trails in the Asian region. It will include examples of projects from a range of countries such as Singapore, Indonesia and Hong Kong, where students learn collaboratively in real-world settings, while practising language, developing digital literacies and 21st century skills, and exploring culture.

In summary, the paper will demonstrate that with appropriate mobile learning designs, mobile devices can effectively become lenses on learning which open up a range of possibilities for personal, collaborative and authentic learning in everyday settings.

Biography: Prof. Mark Pegrum is from the University of Western Australia, where he works as an Associate Professor in the Faculty of Education. His research and teaching expertise lies mainly in the areas of e-learning, m-learning, digital literacies and the increasing integration of Web 2.0 and mobile technologies into everyday life. Mark Pegrum's publications include Brave New Classrooms: Democratic Education and the Internet (2007) and From Blogs to Bombs: The Future of Digital Technologies in Education (2009).


Prof. Victoria Murphy

Munich Lecture in TEFL 2016

lecture in tefl - poster (141x200)

Age isn't everything: Determinants of second language success in the early school years

Age is often considered the critical variable in determining the success of L2 learning, where the belief is that the younger the child, the more likely the success in foreign or L2 learning. In this presentation I will review some of the evidence that speaks to this issue, both in terms of why age is an important variable, and also why it is not the only, nor possibly the most important, variable. I will argue that age is but one variable that interacts with many other factors relating to pedagogy, materials and student-led variables (e.g. attitudes, motivation) that influence the effectiveness of L2 learning in classroombased contexts. These issues need to be considered within the specific contexts in which the young learner is acquiring the second or foreign language to precisely identify factors which determine successful L2 or foreign language outcomes.

Biography: Victoria Murphy is Professor of Applied Linguistics in the Department of Education, University of Oxford. Her research centres on child L2 and foreign language learning in primary school. She is the convener of the 'Research in English as an Additional Language (REAL)' Group. Her main focus of research is to examine the language and literacy development of EAL children, investigate factors influencing the success of child L2 learning and bilingualism, and to understand lexical development in both L1 and L2 learners. Victoria publishes widely in Applied Linguistics journals and has published two books on young language learners.