Conference Programme
Conference programme
Download: Full programme (with plenaries, talks in cluster sections, poster presentations and further programme details).
Monday, 25th March:
19:00 Conference Warming
Tuesday, 26th March:
09:00-10:00: Registration (the registration and information desk is open throughout the full conference)
10:00-10:30: Conference Welcome
10:30-11:30: Morning Plenary
"Internationalism and Competences for Democratic Culture in Foreign Language Teaching"
Michael Byram, Durham University, UK & Université de Luxembourg, Luxemburg
11:30-12:00: Coffee Break
12:00-13:30: Talks in Cluster Sections
13:30-14:30: Poster Presentations and Lunch Break
14:30-16:30: Talks in Cluster Sections
16:45-17:20: Panel Discussion
17:30-18:30: Evening Plenary
"Belonging in an Age of Global Migration"
William Gaudelli, Columbia University, USA
18:30: Wine Reception
Wednesday, 27th March:
08:30-10:30: Morning Double Plenary
"Global Citizenship: Allegiance to What, Exactly?"
Liz Jackson, University of Hong Kong, China
"Cosmopolitan Citizenship and Language Learning"
Hugh Starkey, University College London, UK
10:30-11:00: Coffee Break
11:00-13:00: Talks in Cluster Sections
13:00-14:30: Poster Presentations and Lunch Break
14:30-16:30: Talks in Cluster Sections
16:30-17:00: Coffee Break
17:00-18:00: Evening Plenary
“Whose Language, Whose Globe? Envisioning Cosmopolitan Pedagogies in Digital Spaces”
Glynda Hull, University of Berkeley, USA
20:00: Conference Dinner
Thursday, 28th March
09:00-10:00: Morning Plenary
"Global Citizens or Global Consumers? Reframing FL Education in the Digital Age"
Claire Kramsch, University of Berkeley, USA
10:00-10:30: Coffee Break
10:30-12:00: Talks in Cluster Section
12:15-13:15: Plenary
"Critical Pedagogies for Global, Environmental Citizenship:Teaching Ecopedagogical Literacies through Local to Planetary Citizenships"
Greg Misiaszek, Beijing Normal University, China
13:15-14:00: Closing Panel