Teaching English as a Foreign Language

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Welcome Prof. Christiane Klempin

During the winter term Prof. Christiane Lütge has been granted an additional research term and will be substituted by Prof. Christiane Klempin. The whole team is looking forward to collaborating with her at LMU Munich.


Dr. Christiane Klempin most recently worked as a German and English teacher at the Ernst-Haeckel-Gymnasium in Werder a.d. Havel in Brandenburg. Prior to this, she was the overall academic coordinator of the third-party funded project “K2teach-Know how to teach”, which was funded as part of the state-wide quality offensive for teacher training. Prior to this, Christiane worked as a research assistant (pre- and postdoc) in the English didactics departments at Freie Universität Berlin (2015-2020), the University of Potsdam (2019-2020) and the University of Greifswald (2014-2015). Christiane's expertise lies primarily in quasi-experimental intervention and professionalization research of prospective and practicing (English) teachers. She also designs and evaluates university teaching formats in which theory and practice are systematically interlinked through reflection. This also includes the “Teaching and Learning Labs”, which she examined in the course of her doctoral project in terms of its effectiveness with regard to the reflective skills of the participating English teaching students. In her habilitation project, Christiane is now investigating the characteristics of high-quality English teaching and the performance of English teachers. The English didactic focus of her research relates to communicative language teaching, action orientation, cooperative learning, learning with digital media and performative-dramatic foreign language teaching.