Erasmus+ Project DiCE.Lang: Third Transnational Project Meeting in Riga
Conference at the University of Latvia in Riga at the beginning of October 2022
We are finally meeting again for our third in-person TPM: From 2 to 5 October we are discussing digital citizenship education and foreign language learning in Riga, Latvia. Many thanks go to our project member Ireta Čekse and her great team for organizing it.
The agenda includes amongst others the finalization of the policy framework and the teacher training handbook, the evaluation of the OERs, and the planning of the multiplier events in 2023. As for the Munich team, project coordinator Prof. Dr. Christiane Lütge, Claudia Mustroph, Dr. Petra Rauschert and Yasemin Erdemgil will fly to Riga.
Please watch our project website for further info. We cannot wait to share new insights with you.