Teaching English as a Foreign Language

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TEFL Lab Opening Hours, SoSe 2024

Please always check the TEFL Lab Opening Hours for SoSe 2024 here!


Opening Hours will take place on the following days:

April 22nd, 14-16 (Monday)

April 30th, 16-18 (Tuesday)

May 3rd, 8-10 (Friday)

May 7th, 9-11 (Tuesday)

May 17th, 14-16 (Friday)

May 22nd, 16-18 (Wednesday)

May 31st, 10-12 (Friday) new time slot!

June 4th, 16-18 (Tuesday)

June 14th, 8-10 (Friday) new time slot!


June 26th, 8-10 (Wednesday)

July 2nd, 16-18 (Tuesday)

July 8th, 14-16 (Monday)

July 10th, 8-10 (Wednesday)

Tutorials will take place on the following days: 

May 15th, 14-15 (Wednesday): Smartboard

May 24th, 14-15 (Friday): Mobile & VR

May 29th, 15-16 (Wednesday): AI

June 7th, 9-10 (Friday): Mobile & VR

June 11th, 9-10 (Tuesday): AI

June 19th, 14-15 (Wednesday): Smartboard

June 25th, 9-10 (Tuesday): Mobile & VR

July 5th, 9-10 (Friday): Mobile & VR

July 9th, 9-10 (Tuesday): AI

For more information regarding the TEFL Lab, please visit our webpage: https://www.tefl.anglistik.uni-muenchen.de/tefl-lab/index.html