TEFL Lab Opening Hours, August and September 2023
Please always check the TEFL Lab Opening Hours for August and September 2023 here!
Opening Hours will take place on the following days:
August 8th, 10-12 (Tuesday)
August 14th, 14-16 (Monday)
August 21st, 9-11 (Monday)
August 29th, 10-12 (Tuesday)
September 4th, 10-12 (Monday)
September 6th, 10-12 (Wednesday)
September 18th, 10-12 (Monday) - CANCELLED !!!
September 26th, 14-16 (Tuesday)
October 6th, 11-13 (Friday)
October 11th, 10-12 (Wednesday)
For more information regarding the TEFL Lab, please visit our webpage: https://www.tefl.anglistik.uni-muenchen.de/tefl-lab/index.html