Teaching English as a Foreign Language

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Successful completion of two doctoral degrees

Congratulations to TEFL team members Michelle Stannard and Annkristin Schwalb


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We are thrilled to announce the successful completion of two doctoral degrees by our TEFL colleagues Michelle Stannard and Annkristin Schwalb. Their groundbreaking research significantly contributes to the fields of education and foreign language teaching, highlighting the innovative spirit of our academic community.

Michelle Stannard’s research on "Designs for Learning with Narrative Digital Games in Formal EFL Education –Negotiating Material-Discursive Frames at the Nexus of Culture, Text and Task" delves into the use of digital games as a tool for enhancing language learning. Her study also demonstrates how engaging narratives within digital games can effectively improve language acquisition and foster a more interactive and enjoyable learning experience.

Annkristin Schwalb’s dissertation on "Das digital citizenship education (DCE) Konzept für den Englischunterricht der Grundschule. Eine kollaborative Aktionsforschung zu den Chancen und Herausforderungen von sozialen Medien" explores the integration of digital citizenship principles in primary education. Her work provides valuable insights into how young learners can develop responsible and ethical behaviors in the digital world, ensuring a safer and more informed digital future for our children.

We extend our heartfelt congratulations to Michelle Stannard and Annkristin Schwalb for their dedication and hard work. Their contributions not only advance academic knowledge but also promise to impact educational practices profoundly. We look forward to seeing the future achievements and innovations they will undoubtedly bring to their respective fields.