New project: "Post-pandemic teaching between hybrid learning and AI”
Funded by the Fonds zur Förderung der Lehre
In view of pandemic-related shifts that continue to impact educational institutions, a new project at our Chair is developing innovative approaches to promote digital competence in language education. While face-to-face teaching has made a comeback, approaches that were especially enforced within the pandemic phase, such as project-based teaching and the intensive use of digital tools and media, remain relevant. In light of this, the Chair plans to further develop the TEFL Lab into an innovative centre for digital and analogue teaching formats and expert exchange. This project is intended to help future English teachers acquire digital skills and adapt their teaching to the requirements of a digital world. In this vein, we will be offering a Media Certificate in TEFL alongside workshops on topics such as AI in TEFL, Mobile Devices and VR for TEFL, Smartboards and Other Classroom Technologies in TEFL. Dates will be available online soon.