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TEFL Lounge on 8 July: Digital Narratives in the EFL Classroom oder wie Lehramstsstudierende digital erzählen


Upcoming TEFL Lounge

TEFL UNI-Klasse Teaserbild

08.07.2021, 16-18 Uhr c.t.*

Prof. Dr. Gabriele Blell (Leibniz Universität Hannover)
"Digital Narratives in the EFL Classroom oder wie Lehramstsstudierende digital erzählen"
Zoom Link: https://lmu-munich.zoom.us/j/9541825570?pwd=TC9ndmUyVVpzdU8xT3RnZ0Q0RUNkQT09
Meeting ID: 954 182 5570 Passcode: 534865

All TEFL Lounges will be conducted online. *Several talks have been coordinated with the support of the UNI-Klasse: Moderne Fremdsprachen.