Teaching English as a Foreign Language

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Studies & Course Information

In this section, you will find a collection of downloads and links that are useful for your TEFL studies, examinations and thesis projects.


  • Guidelines and general information for the Staatsexamen (download)
  • Guidelines for writing a Zulassungsarbeit (download)

Note: As a preparation for the state examination you might find the seminar "Examenskurs Fachdidaktik" helpful. You can enroll through the tab "Zusätzliche Lehrangebote" under the section "Englische Philologie" in the LSF.

MA Thesis - Information Regarding Supervision and Registration

English: https://www.anglistik.uni-muenchen.de/studium_neu/studierende/ma_english-studies_e/a_z_ma/ma_arbeit_e/index.html

Deutsch: https://www.anglistik.uni-muenchen.de/studium_neu/studierende/ma_english-studies/a_z_ma/ma_arbeit/index.html

Internship (Bescheinigung des Begleitseminars zum "Studienbegleitenden Praktikum")

Students who aim at a teaching qualification (Lehramtsstudium) and have attended the course 'Theorie & Praxis' will receive the certificate 'Bescheinigung über die Lehrveranstaltung zum studienbegleitenden fachdidaktischen Praktikum' from their course instructor. Alternatively, the signature can be received in the secretary's office. Please bring your LSF transcript to proof that you have passed the module. The certificate is required when you register for your state exam (Staatsexamen).

Student Advisory Service English Studies

English: https://www.anglistik.uni-muenchen.de/studium_neu/studierende/az_allgemein/student_advisory/index.html 

Deutsch: https://www.anglistik.uni-muenchen.de/studium_neu/studierende/az_allgemein/beratung/index.html (Deutsch)

Research and Resources

Courses and Teaching

Find our course overview and further information here