Teaching English as a Foreign Language

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Teaching English as a Foreign Language (TEFL)

The Chair of TEFL (Teaching English as a Foreign Language) at the English Department of Munich University (LMU) offers an in-depth focus on current developments in TEFL research. Findings from second language acquisition, and the theory and methodology of teaching literature, culture and media, are all investigated with a view to a plethora of didactically relevant questions: What is the connection between theories of TEFL research and methodology? How does TEFL theory translate into practice? To what extent do educational policies and curricula influence this process? And: why are there no universally valid "recipes" for teaching? What does this imply for future teachers of English?

Our concern lies with a sound reflection on the traditional theory-practice dichotomy in didactic contexts, and an awareness of this troublesome phenomenon as an important challenge for teacher education. Throughout their course of study, students explore various language teaching areas, analyse different teaching processes and principles, and trace the development of skills and competences for a modern communicative EFL classroom.


The TEFL Team


Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München 
Chair of TEFL, Prof. Dr. Christiane Lütge
Institut für Englische Philologie
Schellingstr. 3
D - 80799 München

Phone: +49 (0)89 2180-2995
Email: sekretariat.luetge@anglistik.uni-muenchen.de

Arriving by public transport:

Underground lines U3 or U6
(stop: "Universität")
